the walking wood
walkshop | cuairt-obrach
free family event
no need to book, just drop-in
Sunday 11 March, 12:00 - 4:30pm
The Hidden Gardens
25 Albert Drive
Glasgow G41 2PE
hosted by Ken Cockburn (poet) & Catherine Tinney (Gaelic artist), with assistance from Kate McAllan
The first event is part of a series of Gaelic focussed workshops
Plants and Stories: you are invited to take part in a reverse treasure hunt, about plants and their stories. A collaboration between Gaelic Arts/Glasgow Life, and the Hidden Gardens.
Planntrais agus Sgeulachdan. Gabhaibh pàirt ann an lorg ionmhas, mu dheidhinn planntrais agus an sgeulachdan. Co-obrachadh eadar Ealain Ghlaschu/Glaschu Beò agus na Gàrraidhean Falaichte.